Çerez Örnek

Radio Television Cinema

The aim of the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema is to enable students to learn theoretical approaches about mass media and to create networks where they can put them into practice. In our department, where students receive the necessary theoretical and practical education to become ideal media professionals, there are practice areas such as radio studio, television studio, photography studio and digital editing unit. In this direction, it is aimed that students can take part in the media sector as well-equipped as possible. Radio Television Cinema Department; consists of Radio-Television, Communication Sciences, Cinema, Photography and Graphics Departments. There are "Radio-Television Studio", "Digital Editing Unit" with 4 digital editing unit facilities, "Color and Black-White Photography Studio", "Computer and Internet Laboratories" in order to improve the professional practices of department students during their education. “Radyo Ege Kampüs” provides applied radio programming to department students. In addition to the practice opportunities within the faculty, cooperation projects with private sector institutions also contribute significantly to this issue. At the end of the third year, with the compulsory internship practice in which all the students of the department participate, it is aimed that the students connect with the communication sector and strengthen their ties. Our department aims to train qualified personnel especially for radio and television organizations, which are at the forefront of mass communication and electronic mass media in the communication phenomenon that has left its mark on our age. The graduates of the department can work in private radio and television channels as well as working in the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation.

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