Çerez Örnek

Historical Background


The history of Ege University Faculty of Communication dates back to 1968 when İzmir Karataş Private Vocational School of Journalism was founded. İzmir Karataş Private Vocational School of Journalism was nationalised in 25.8.1971 pursuant to law with number 1472 and was affiliated to Faculty of Business Sciences with name Journalism and Public Relations Vocational School and was affiliated to Faculty of Law in 1979 with name Vocational School of Press and then affiliated to Ege University  Rectorate, finally founded as an independet faculty in 1992.

Faculty of Communications, which aims to train qualified staff for journalism, public relations, advertising, radio, television and cinema industries has still been unique in İzmir and Aegean Region. The Faculty covers Departments of Journalism, Radio – Television – Cinema, Public Relations and Advertising with divisions of Journalism, Economy and Administration of Press, Technique of Press, Computer Technology and Communication, Public Relations, Communication Research, Institutional Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Advertising, Radio- Television, Cinema, Communication Sciences, Photography and Graphic Design. 

Education in the faculty covers four years, first two years focusing on communication and related fields, latter two years focusing on specialization. Course contents has been perodically reviewed and updated by researchers. 

Post graduate programmes  have been conducted within scope of Ege University School of Social Sciences to provide spacialization.


Our students have the oppurtunity to excel in practice through Ege University Media Research and Practice Center, Advertising Workshop, News and Communication Tehcnologies Workshop and online jorunalism workshop. Besides, partnership and cooperation with the industry and private sector provides students with practice oppurtunities.   


Compulsory Communication Internship included in curriculum aims to construct bridges with the private sector.

Undergraduate and graduate students may participate in various cultural activities through students communities and clubs. Volleyball, basketball and football clubs of our stundets also represent our faculty


Ege Üniversitesi