Çerez Örnek

Public Relations and Publicity

The Department of Public Relations and Publicity was established in 1989 after the discipline of public relations increased in relative importance all over the world and in Turkey and was accepted as a profession.

The department provides undergraduate and graduate education in the departments of "Public Relations", "Interpersonal Communication", "Research Methods" and "Corporate Communication". Based on the fact that public relations is a business function, the education programs of the Department, which adopts a business-oriented education approach; It is 'need-oriented', 'based on modern development and scientific innovations', 'planned and programmed', 'interdisciplinary', 'emphasizing professional and personal development' and 'continuously developing'.

Having a perspective based on the unity of theory and practice, the Department offers a favorable environment for carrying out project-based studies. In this context, students have the opportunity to reinforce their knowledge and experience gained within the scope of the courses with the integrated marketing communication projects they prepare in various competitions. In addition to the national and international scientific projects they carry out, the faculty members and staff of the department can provide consultancy or serve as an executive for various projects in accordance with the demands from the sector in order to realize and strengthen university-industry cooperation.

The department cares about the personal development of students as much as their professional development. In this context, social and cultural activities with student societies such as 'Career Community', 'Marketing Aegean Marketing Community' and 'PRatik Public Relations Society'; enables students' personal development

Graduates of the department can work in the strategic communication departments of public and private sector organizations -public relations, human resources, marketing, etc.- or in advertising and media businesses.

Our Vision: Accepted as a school in the field of public relations at national and international level; his research and productivity; To be a department that contributes to the world of science, society and business life with its innovative, pioneering and ethical stance.

Our Mission: To train innovative, creative and distinctive communication professionals who meet the requirements of the public relations discipline, act in accordance with professional ethics, are equipped, competent, follow and apply scientific and technological developments.

Ege Üniversitesi